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After Krsna had lifted Govardhana Hill and thus protected the inhabitants of Vraja from the terrible rainfall, Surabhi, the mother of the cows, came from her planet to see Krsna, accompanied by Indra.

Feeling very ashamed of having offended the Lord, Indra approached Him in a solitary place, fell down and lay his helmet, whose effulgence was as brilliant as the sun, upon the Lord's lotus feet.

Mother Surabhi, along with her progeny, the cows, then offered her obeisances to Lord Krsna. Respectfully requesting His attention, the gentle lady addressed the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who was present before her as a cowherd boy. "As ordered by Lord Brahma, we shall perform Your bathing ceremony to coronate You as Indra. O Soul of the universe, You descend to this world to relieve the burden of the earth."

Then mother Surabhi performed His bathing ceremony with her own milk, and Indra, ordered by Aditi and other mothers of the demigods, anointed the Lord with heavenly Ganga water from the trunk of Indra's elephant carrier, Airavata. Thus, in the company of the demigods and great sages, Indra coronated Lord Krsna, the descendant of Dasarha, and gave Him the name Govinda.

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