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Huhunkara Garjanadi Aho Ratra


huhunkara-garjanadi aho-ratra-sad-gunam

ha krsna radhika-natha prarthanadi-bhavanam

dhupa-dipa-kasturi ca candranadi-lepanam




ganga vari mano hari tulasyadi mashjari

krsna-jshana sada dhyana prema-vari jharjhari

krpabdhih karuna-natha bhavisyati prarthanam




muhur muhuh krsna krsna uccaih svare gayatam

ahe natha jaga tratah mama drsti-gocaram

dvibhuja karuna-natha diyatam sudarsanam




sri advaita prarthanartha jagannatha-alayam

saci matur garbha-jata caitanya karunamayam

sri advaita-sanga-ranga-kirtana-vilasanam






dehi bhaktim fagannatha raksa mam abhajanam




sarva datah sita-natha pranesvara sad gunam

ye japanti sita-natha-pada-padma kevalam

diyatam karuna-natha bhakti-yogah tat ksanam




sri caitanya jayadvaita nityananda karuna-mayam

eka anga tridhamurti kai'soradi sada varam

jiva-trana bhakti-jshana hunkaradi garjanam




dina-hina-nindakadi prema bhakti-dayakam

sarva datah sita-natha santi pura nayakam

raga-ranga sanga-dosa karma yoga moksanam



(1) Roaring like a lion and thundering like a monsoon cloud, He prays day and night, "O Krishna, O Lord of Radhika!" He smears the Salagrama-sila with the paste of sandalwood and musk and offers arati with incense and lamp. I meditate upon the lotus feet of Sri Advaitacarya, the Lord of Sitadevi.

(2) He worships the Salagrama-sila with water of the Ganga mixed with Tulasi manjaris and leaves. Tears of love incessently flow from His eyes as He meditates upon Krishna and sings His glories. He prays to the Supreme Lord, who is an ocean of mercy, to descend to this world. I meditate upon the lotus feet ofSri Advaitacarya, the Lord of Sitadevi.

(3) Again and again He loudly sings the name of Krishna, praying to Him, "O my Lord, deliverer of the universe, please manifest Your exceedingly merciful two-armed form in my vision. Please award me the proper vision." I meditate upon the lotus feet of Sri Advaitacarya, the Lord of Sitadevi.

(4) Due to the prayers of Sri Advaitacarya, Sri Caitanya appeared in the house of Jagannatha Misra in the womb of Mother Saci. In order to enjoy the association of Sri Advaita, Sri Caitanya sang the Holy Name of the Lord congregationally and danced with the devotees. I meditate upon the lotus feet of Sri Advaitacarya, the Lord of Sitadevi.

(5) The lotus feet of Sri Advaita are the goal of my knowledge and the object of my meditation. I always keep the dust of His lotus feet on my head. O my Lord, please bestow devotional service upon this unworthy soul and protect him. I meditate upon the lotus feet of Sri Advaitacarya, the Lord of Sitadevi.

(6) Sri Advaita, the Lord of Sitadevi, is the bestower of all benedictions and perfections, and He is the Lord of my life. That most merciful Lord immediately bestows bhakti upon those who meditate exclusively upon his lotus feet. I meditate upon the lotus feet of Sri Advaitacarya, the Lord of Sitadevi.

(7) All glories to Sri Advaita along with Sri Caitanya and the most merciful Nityananda Prabhu. They are all One, but in three different forms, depicting the different phases of life, like adolescence, etc. Sri Advaita roars and thunders in order to deliver the living entities by giving them transcendental knowledge and pure devotional service. I meditate upon the lotus feet of Sri Advaitacarya, the Lord of Sitadevi.

(8) He bestows loving devotional service upon the lowly, mean, blasphemous and other such fallen people. The bestower of everything, Sri Advaita, the Lord of Sitadevi, is the leader of Santipura. He frees one from the bondage of material attachments, bad association, fruitive activities and mystic yoga. I meditate upon the lotus feet of Sri Advaitacarya, the Lord of Sitadevi. 

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