Hari Hari Ar Ki Emona Das Haba
Narottam Das Thakur has written this song “Hari Hari Ar Ki Emona Das Haba”. The official name of this song is Swabhista Lalasa Song 5. This song is taken from the book Prarthana. In this song, Narottam Das Thakur expresses his desire to directly see the sweet beauty of the transcendental forms of the Divine Couple – Srimati Radharani and Lord Krsna.
hari hari! āra ki emon daśā hobo
chāḍiyā puruṣa deha, kobe vā prakṛti hobo
duhu ańge candana porābo
ṭāniyā bāndhibo cūḍā, nava guñjāhāre beḍā,
nānā phule gāńthi dibo hāra
pīta-vasana ańge, porāibo sakhī sańge,
vadane tāmbūla dibo āra
duhu rūpa manohārī, dekhibo nayana bhari,
nīlāmbare rāi sājāiyā
nava ratna jari āni, bādhibo vicitra veṇī,
dibo tāhe mālatī gāńthiyā
sei rūpa mādhurī, dekhibo nayana bhari,
ei kori mane abhilāṣa
jaya rūpa sanātana, deho more ei dhana,
nivedaye narottama dāsa
(1) When, relinquishing this male material body, and obtaining the spiritual body of a gopi, will I anoint the limbs of the Divine Couple with sandalwood paste? O Lord Hari, Lord Hari, when will this day be mine?
(2) When will I arrange the hair of the Divine Couple? When will I give them gunja-necklaces and garlands strung with various flowers? When will I give Them yellow garments? When, accompanied by the other gopis, will I place betel-nuts in Their lotus mouths?
(3) When will I gaze at the beautiful forms of the Divine Radharani in blue garments, and decorate her braided hair with garlands of jasmine flowers and strings of nine different kinds of jewels on a golden thread.
(4) My desire is that some day I shall be able to directly see the sweet beauty of the transcendental forms of the Divine Couple. O Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Sanatana Gosvami, all glories to you both. Please bestow this treasure upon me. Please grant my desire. Narottama dasa appeals to you in this way.