AIl the gopis, the personal friends of Srimati Radharani, are equal to Her. Krsna is pleasing to the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi, just as the moon is pleasing to the lotus flower. His pleasure-giving potency is known as ahladini, of which the active principle is Srimati Radharani. She is compared to a creeper with newly grown flowers and leaves. When the nectar of Krsna's pastimes is sprinkled on Śrīmatī Rādhārānī, all Her friends, the gopis, immediately appreciate the pleasure a hundred times more than if they were sprinkled themselves. Actually this is not at all wonderful.
Although the gopis do not desire to enjoy themselves directly with Krsna, Śrīmati Rădhārānī makes a great endeavor to induce Krsna to enjoy Himself with the gopis. Presenting various pleas for the gopis, Śrimati Rādhārānī sometimes sends the gopis to Krsna just to enable them to associate with Him directly. At such times, She enjoys a happiness ten million times greater than that enjoyed through direct association.
The transcendental mellow is nourished by that mutual behavior in transcendental love of Godhead. When Lord Krsna sees how the gopis have developed pure love for Him, He becomes very satisfied.