The flute of Krsna's pastimes measures three fingers in length, and it is bedecked with indranila gems. At the ends of the flute are aruna gems [rubies], glittering beautifully, and between its ends the flute is plated with gold set ablaze by diamonds. This auspicious flute, pleasing to Krsna, is glittering in His hand with transcendental brilliance.
My dear friend the flute, it appears that you have been born of a very good family, for your residence is in the hands of Sri Krsna. By birth you are simple and are not at all crooked. Why then have you taken initiation into this dangerous mantra that enchants the gopis?
My dear friend the flute, you are actually full of many holes or faults. You are light, hard, juiceless and full of knots. But what kind of pious activities have engaged you in the service of being kissed by the Lord and embraced by His hands?