Of all the devotees, this Govardhana Hill is the best! This hill supplies Krsna and Balarama, along with Their calves, cows and cowherd friends, with all kinds of necessities-water for drinking, very soft grass, caves, fruits, flowers and vegetables. In this way the hill offers respects to the Lord. Being touched by the lotus feet of Krsna and Balarama, Govardhana Hill appears very jubilant.
Krsna and Balarama would sometimes wear Their cowherding ropes on Their heads and. sometimes carry them on Their shoulders, and thus They were beautifully decorated with all the equipment of cowherd boys.
When Krsna is enjoying Himself with Balarama on the mountain slopes, playfully wearing a flower garland on the top of His head, He engladdens all with the resonant vibrations of His flute. Thus He delights the entire world.
When Krsna would feel tired and fatigued, He would sometimes take shelter of the root of a big tree. At that time the nearby cloud, afraid of offending a great personality, thunders very gently in accompaniment. The cloud showers flowers onto his dear friend Krsna and shades Him from the sun like an umbrella.