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Jagai and Mädhäi were two brothers born in Navadvipa in a respectable brahmana family who later became addicted to all kinds of sinful activities. By the order of Lord Caitanya, both Nityananda Prabhu and Haridasa Thakura used to preach the cult of Krsna consciousness door to door. In the course of such preaching they found Jagai and Mädhai, two maddened drunken brothers, who, upon seeing them, began to chase them. On the next day, Mädhäi struck Nityananda Prabhu on the head with a piece of earthen pot, thus drawing blood. When Śrī Caitanya

Mahaprabhu heard of this, He immediately came to the spot, ready to

punish both brothers, but when the all-merciful Lord Gauränga saw Jagai's repentant behavior, He immediately embraced him. By seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face and embracing Him, both the sinful brothers were at once cleansed. Thus they received initiation into the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra from the Lord and were delivered.

The mission of the Lord was to deliver the hopelessly fallen souls of Kali-yuga, and the brothers Jagai and Madhai were typical examples of these fallen souls.

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