Dhani Dhani Aparupa Rasa Bihari
Govinda Das Kaviraj has written this song “Dhani Dhani Aparupa Rasa Bihari”. This song is taken from the book Padavali. In this song, Govinda Das Kaviraj describes the wonderful rasa-dance pastime wherein Lord Krishna, The King of dancers, dances in the center of a circle formed by the gopis.
dhani dhani aparupa rasa-bihara
thira bijura sane cancala jaladhara
rasa barakhiye anibara
kancana mani-gana janu nirama-ola
ramani-mandala saja
majhahi majha maha-marakata sama
syama nata-bara raja
kata kata canda timira para bilasa-i
timirahi kata kata cande
kanaka-lataye tamalaha kata kata
duhu duhu tanu tanu bandhe
kata kata padumini pancama ga-ota
madhukara dharu sruti-bhasa
madhukara mili kata padumini ga-ota
mugadhala gobinda-dasa
(Refrain) O beautiful gopi, O beautiful gopi, there is the wonderful rasa-dance pastime. Radha and Krsna are like a stationary lightning flash and restless monsoon cloud that together shower without stop a great monsoon of nectar.
(1) Glistening like a gold and jewel necklace, the gopis form a circle. In that circle's center of centers is Lord Krsna, the king of dancers. He glistens like a great sapphire there.
(2) How many moons now glisten in the darkness of this night? How many moons now glisten in the darkness of this night? How many golden vines now embrace how many tamala trees? One couple after another are now bound in an embrace.
(3) How many lotus like girls sing melodies in the fifth note? How many black bee teenage boys chant the hymns of the Vedas? How many such lotus girls and black bee boys meet and sing charming melodies together? Govinda dasa is charmed by their music.