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Ramachandra Kaviraja

Ramachandra Kaviraja

"Whether blind or dumb, anyone can drown in this flood of prema. In this way, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has filled everyone with love of God. But Ramachandra Dasa is so unfortunate that he couldn't even taste a drop of that nectar." (In the image: Shrila Ramachandra Kaviraja).

Ramachandra Kaviraja, the son of Shri Chiranjiva Sena (eternal associate of Lord Chaitanya), appeared in Shri Khanda. "Ramachandara Kaviraja was especially earnest, beautiful, intelligent, energetic, and enthusiastic," said one biographer. Although married, Ramachandra and his wife, Ratanala, had no material attachments. They stayed fully engaged in the loving service of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. They had no children. With steadfast devotion he served his spiritual master, Shrinivasa Acharya. In Vrindavana, Shri Jiva Goswami gave him the title, kaviraja, "king of poets." He wrote the following beautiful verse:

prakasila mahaprabhu hare krishna mantra

premera vadara kari barila samsara

andha avadhi yata kare parsa

bindhu na padila mukhe ramacandra dasa

    "Shriman Mahaprabhu is so kind that He manifests the nectar of the Hare Krishna mantra. The Holy Name will free all souls from the cycle of birth and death, from lower planets, from hell. The Holy Name will give one a taste of divine love for Radha-Madhava.    "Whether blind or dumb, anyone can drown in this flood of prema. In this way, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has filled everyone with love of God. But Ramachandra Dasa is so unfortunate that he couldn't even taste a drop of that nectar."

   Ramachandra Kaviraja was one of the eight kavirajas, famous poet disciples of Shrinivasa Acharya. Ramachandra wrote Smarana Darpana, Smarana Chamatkara, Siddhanta Chandrika. He preached widely and initiated many disciples. Narottama Dasa Thakura and Ramachandra lived together as best friends. Narottama Dasa wrote, doya kore shri acharya prabhu shrinivasa; ramachandra sanga mage Narottama Dasa, "0 Shrinivasa Acharya Prabhu, please give me your mercy. Narottama Dasa always prays for the association of Ramachandra Kaviraja."

   In the form of Karna manjari, he serves Shrimati Radharani in Vraja lila. His samadhi is in Dhira Samira Kunja next to Shrinivasa Acharya. 

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