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Jaya Krta Mathura Pravesa


jaya krta-mathura-pravesa-bhavuka









krta-ruci-vayini nija-ruci-dayaka



bhakta-gane dhrta-karuna-puraka









nagara-jananam sukha-sata-yojaka




tad-asahanoddhata-yoddhrsu bhangada



hastipam anu nija-vartma-samardaka

tasmin dhrta-rusi hasti-vimardaka



bhratra saha kari-danta-vibhusana

rangam pravisan bhoja-vibhusana



gaja-raktadibhir angam paricita

bahu-vidha-bhavair vividham paricita



jagati samantad aprati-mallaka

kamsagre hata-tat-pratimallaka



sadasi samaste nasti-samohana












sahasa mascat kamsa-nipataka

tena dhvasta-tri-jagat-pataka



akhila-jananam duhkha-vimoksada

kamsasyapi ca sahasa moksada




sadhu-sukham prati dhrta-nirbandhaka



visrantim prati kamsakarsaka




kamsa-pitari nija-rajya-nidhayaka




vrajatah posyakhila-nistaraka

punar api ca vraja-sukha-vistaraka



jaya jaya jaya jaya jaya jaya jaya jaya

jaya jaya jaya jaya jaya jaya jaya jaya




(1) Glory to You, O Lord who gracefully entered Mathura, O Lord who delighted the people of Mathura, . . .


(2) O Lord whose pastimes delighted the people of the city, O hero who enchanted the women of Mathura, . . .


(3) O Lord who took Kamsa's garments from a washerman, O Lord who gave Your own splendor to a tailor that pleased You, . . .


(4) O Lord flooded with mercy for Your devotees, O Lord who fulfilled a florist's desires, . . .


(5) O Lord whose body a hunchback girl artistically anointed with sandal paste, O Lord who removed the girl's crookedness and made her wonderfully beautiful, . . .


(6) O Lord who asked about the bow in Kamsa's yajna-arena, O Lord who brought a hundred happiness to the people of Mathura, . . .


(7) O Lord who broke the bow in Kamsa's dhanur-yajna, O Lord who defeated many ferocious and invincible warriors, . . .


(8) O Lord whose path was blocked by an elephant driver, O Lord who crushed the angry elephant, . . .


(9) O Lord who, in Your brother's company and decorated with the elephant's tusk, entered the arena, O ornament of the Bhoja dynasty


(10) O Lord whose body was sprinkled with drops of the elephant's blood, O Lord who was seen in different ways by the different groups in the arena, . . .


(11) O Lord undefeated by anyone in the universe, O Lord who killed the wrestlers as Kamsa looked on, . . .


(12) O Lord whose unprecedented power bewildered the whole assembly, O Lord whose graceful battle with the wrestlers charmed everyone,


(13) O Lord who shook with anger as Kamsa offended his elders, O Lord whose glance was a glittering thunderbolt, . . . .


(14) O Lord who playfully jumped into the royal box, making in shake, O Lord whose playful power made Kamsa shake in fear, . . .


(15) O Lord who violently threw Kamsa from the royal box, O Lord who killed Kamsa, the greatest sinner in the three worlds, . . .


(16) O Lord who removed everyone's sufferings, O Lord who at once gave liberation to Kamsa, . . .


(17) O Lord who released Vasudeva and the others from their shackles, O Lord eager to please Your devotees, . . .


(18) O Lord who, to prove that he was dead, dragged Kamsa here and there, O Lord who revealed that You are the strongest of the strong.


(19) O Lord who returned the kingdom to Kamsa's father (Ugrasena), O Lord whose fame delighted the entire world, . . . .


(20) O Lord who protect Your dependents, O Lord who will again bring happiness to Vraja, . .


(21) O hero, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory to You!

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