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Diksa Guru Krpa Kori


diksa-guru-krpa kori mantra-upadesa

koriya dekhan krsna-tattver nirdesa


siksa-guru-brnda krpa koriya apar

sadhake sikhan sadhaner anga-sar


siksa-guru-gana-pade koriya pranati

upadesa-mala boli nija manah-prati

(1) The initiating spiritual master shows his causeless mercy by giving his disciples instructions in chanting the hari-nama mantra. By so doing he points the disciples towards the direction of the truths pertaining to the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna.

(2) But I consider the numerous instructing spiritual masters to be more important, for they show unlimitedly more mercy by training the neophyte devotees in all the essential aspects of practical, regulative devotional service (sadhana-bhakti).

(3) Therefore, offering my prostrated obeisances unto the lotus feet of all instructing spiritual masters, I will now narrate this garland of different types of spiritual advice, which will all be directed towards my own mind.

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